
History of Trinity School

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  • Who We Are

    1709 - present
Trinity School was founded in 1709 when William Huddleston, a New York lawyer and a city schoolmaster, 他成功地向伦敦的福音传播协会请愿,要求获得教科书和10英镑的年薪.
In his petition, now in the archives of Lambeth Palace in London, 赫德尔斯顿写道,“纽约市需要一所公立学校。...poor children...免费教育可能是大量无宗教信仰的原因.他提议为新英国殖民地的穷人提供免费教育. 三一教堂的教区长和教务长,以及纽约的市长和市议员们都很热心,并在三一教堂的钟楼和旧市政厅里提供了新的学校教室. The society, 1701年威廉国王的特许状要求它“到处建立学校”," agreed to fund Huddleston's school, 只要市长和参事每年向伦敦政府证明学校里有四十名贫困儿童, 因此,纽约殖民地的市长和市议员们每年都要访问学校,编制班级名单,然后寄给伦敦的学会. 今天,这些殖民时期的阶级名单可以在牛津大学的博德利图书馆找到. At its founding Trinity School was a charity school, 对于当今一些最古老、最负盛名的学校来说,这一起源并不罕见. Most children in the early 18th century were educated at home; only the poor needed a special institution to act in loco parentis.

威廉希尔体育是独立战争期间英国占领纽约期间唯一一所不受阻碍的学校. After the Revolution, however, the School underwent major changes, which transformed it into the institution it is today. 革命切断了与英国的联系,因此学校需要一个新的财政捐助者. Trinity Church provided a portion of the money. 额外的资金来自纽约市市政委员会. In the early years of the new Republic, 公众的支持从宗派慈善学校转向新成立的自由学校协会, with its vision of non-sectarian, universal, free public education. 到1825年,纽约市取消了对教会慈善学校的所有财政支持. Lacking such assistance, Trinity School, which had fought these changes, reincorporated as a private school, 重新定义其目的,并承担其作为大学预科学校的角色.

On December 20, 1859, 威廉希尔体育在三一教堂举行了一场特别的仪式,庆祝建校150周年. 在那次仪式上,学校揭开了一个印有“威廉希尔体育”口号的周年纪念章,这是专为这个场合设计的. 哥伦比亚大学教授约翰·麦克维克牧师发表了周年演讲. He traced the history of "old Trinity," dedicated it to the "rightful training of our rising youth, 我们城市和国家未来的统治者”,并指出大量的捐赠很快就会变得有回报,并将威廉希尔体育提升到哈罗公学等英国机构的水平, Eton, Westminster and Winchester. 完成了从慈善学校到以英国最好的教育基础为蓝本的机构的转变.

到19世纪80年代末,学校的捐赠足够大,可以让受托人开始大规模扩张. 在西91街买了几块地,一栋漂亮的新学校大楼在曼哈顿上西区富人的联排别墅旁边拔地而起. 1895年,学生人数增加了90%以上,一所女子学校也开始建设, Saint Agatha's, at West End Avenue and 87th Street. In addition, 学校找到了足够的资金来忠于其慈善学校的起源,并为有需要的人提供慷慨的经济援助.

The growth of Trinity was steady, both in plant and numbers, during the first seventy years of this century. 在20世纪60年代末和70年代初,这种增长是大胆而戏剧性的. The student body grew from 417 to 589, co-education was introduced in the Upper School, and the new Hawley wing of the school was opened for classes.

During the period 1975-1986, an arts pavilion and a theater were added to the plant, and the school began co-education in the Lower School, starting with Kindergarten. All grades at Trinity are now co-educational. During the 1984-85 academic year, 威廉希尔体育庆祝了275周年校庆,招收了860名学生, the highest in the school's history.

In recent years, 人们的注意力一直集中在保持威廉希尔体育的高学术水平和学校在资源萎缩的情况下强劲的财务健康上. 威廉希尔体育的毕业生现在被广泛认为在学术上准备充分, and the school's budget is balanced. In June of 1998, the school completed a $20 million capital campaign, 其范围具有历史意义,并允许建造一所新中学和两个体育馆, which were dedicated in the fall of 1999.

During the 2008-2009 academic year, Trinity celebrated its 300th Anniversary, marking over three centuries of challenge and achievement.

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  • About Trinity School

    We are a college preparatory, coeducational independent day school for Grades K-12, located on the Upper West Side of New York City. 1709年在三一教堂成立了一所慈善学校,当时有40名学生, 它于1895年迁至现址,现在平均有960名学生. Trinity is no longer sponsored by a specific religious body, and the Trinity community is characterized by religious, racial, and ethnic diversity.

    In addition to classrooms, science and computer laboratories, art and photography studios, music rooms, and administrative offices, the school includes a garden, a rooftop playing field (known as the “turf”), a dining room, two chapels, two theaters, two libraries, two swimming pools, three playgrounds, a weight room, and three gymnasiums.
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Located on the Upper West Side of New York City, Trinity School is a college preparatory, coeducational independent school for grades K-12. Since 1709, 威廉希尔体育以严谨的学术和优秀的体育项目为学生提供了世界一流的教育, the arts, peer leadership, and global travel.