


  • 三个部门

    从低年级开始,贯穿威廉希尔体育的三个学部, teachers incorporate service learning into their curricula as they fulfill Trinity’s mission to “engage with the city” 和 “give generously 和 joyfully to others.” Service work at Trinity focuses on our local neighborhood community 和 is anchored by our 社交圈伙伴,在威廉希尔体育附近的5个街区内有17个社区组织. 通过参与课堂讨论, 活动, 和我们的社区一起工作, 学生学习关键的社会正义问题:城市贫困和不平等, 老年人, 教育不平等, 饥饿和无家可归, 不同能力的人.


Trinity 较低的学校ers learn what scholars Joel Westheimer 和 Joseph Kahne call a 个人责任公民 和 how each individual, even at a young age, can have a positive impact on their community. 作为威廉希尔体育最年轻的学生开始培养终身服务的道德, they are provided with diverse opportunities to underst和 the many facets of communities 和 how they might become agents of change.


  • 幼儿园

    通过五年级的伙伴计划, 幼儿园小朋友在学校里学习社区联系. Through play 和 literacy-based 活动 during 中学 workshop periods during the school day, K-5 buddies spend the year together developing friendships 和 critical reading skills.
  • 一年级

    The focus of 1st grade service learning is on underst和ing 和 appreciating the many facets of our school community. 1st graders spend time in classroom discussions learning about what constitutes a community 和 asking questions: Who helps our community run effectively? 我们社区成员的各种工作和角色是什么? How we can express appreciation 和 gratitude for the many members of our community, 即使是那些我们可能不会每天看到的? 通过低年级行政人员的课堂访问, 构建服务, 安全, 还有食品服务, 1st graders learn not only about the critical jobs these members of our community do each day, 但 they also engage in conversations to learn about the outside interests of staff members. 作为一个终极项目, 1st graders create gifts 和 cards of gratitude 和 personally deliver them to individual staff members.
  • 二年级生

    The focus of the 2nd grade curriculum is on the study of interdependence within a community. 作为这项研究的一部分, 2nd graders gain h和s-on experiences of interdependency 和 the environment through work at the 西区社区花园. 这片绿地, 位于两个街区Trinity, provides students with the opportunity to get their h和s dirty as they rake leaves, 在秋天堆肥和种植郁金香球茎, as well as learn about the history 和 importance of equitable access to green spaces. 而学生们则从花园中学习, 他们还在这个完全由志愿者经营的种植过程中提供帮助, 社区花园. 威廉希尔体育还在高中举办一年一度的郁金香分拣活动, 在10,000个郁金香球茎被分类, 低年级学生观察这项工作.
  • 三年级

    As part of their study of the history of immigration 和 its current presence in our community, 3rd graders learn from community members within Trinity who have immigrated to New York from other places. 通过这些人际关系, 3rd graders come to underst和 the many nuances 和 commonalities of the immigrant experience.
  • 4年级

    结合他们的阅读 想知道 和 规则, 四年级学生每月都要和朋友一起去 曼哈顿儿童中心这是一所面向自闭症儿童的学校. 通过这些访问, 4th graders come to a better underst和ing of disability 和 difference through friendship. The 4th grade students also serve as the leaders of the 较低的学校 in their role of ushers 和 readers during weekly Chapel.


As Trinity students enter 中学 和 begin to develop early leadership skills, 他们学会了学者乔尔·塞斯海默和约瑟夫·卡恩所说的“一种方法” 参与式公民, not only 带罐头来送食物 但 learning how they might organize social impact efforts. Building on their knowledge of the many aspects of community 和 in partnership with the Office of Equity 和 Inclusion, 中学ers reach beyond school walls 和 have opportunities to underst和 inequalities in equity 和 access in our immediate school neighborhood. A cornerstone of the 中学 program is our robust partnership with the food programs at Advent Church where students have opportunities to assist with the food pantry 和 monthly s和wich lines. Students also have opportunities to volunteer as homework helpers at the DeHostos Community Center after school program.


“…we will engage the larger communities of city, nation 和 world of which we are a part”
The trajectory of K-12 social impact learning at Trinity allows students to build a strong foundation of activism rooted in a lifelong ethic of service. 我们的学生有很多机会把想法付诸行动, 到了高中, 他们不仅学会了做一个对个人负责的公民意味着什么, 带罐头来送食物, 以及成为一个参与性公民意味着什么, 组织一次旅行, 但, 最重要的是, 他们在问自己系统性的问题, 不平等的根源. Trinity students are what Joel Westheimer 和 Joseph Kahne call transformative citizens, asking critical questions about how their intellectual lives inform actions for change, seeking to become leaders who address the root causes of social issues locally 和 globally.


  • 高中课程

    上学校 faculty across disciplines incorporate service learning in their curricula, 将课程内容与真正的人类和社区需求联系起来.  这些课程的例子包括: 
    • 大学先修课程西班牙语与西区反饥饿运动合作
      • 作为威廉希尔体育AP西班牙语课程的一部分,学生们将学习 西区反饥饿运动 each month to facilitate Spanish translation, to conduct surveys in Spanish, 和 to assist clients 
    • 大规模监禁 美国危机
      • This senior level elective offers a deep dive into the history of mass incarceration 和 connects students to h和s-on work to address the current incarceration crisis
    • 高级计算机科学
      • 高级计算机科学专业的学生与Dr. 蒂娜·谢蒂来自 特种外科医院 创建一个脑震荡应用程序来有效地跟踪脑震荡的症状和恢复 
    • 自我,学校和社会 
      • This required 10th grade course allows students to explore personal identity 和 the purposes of school in the context of society 和 encourages students to engage in h和s-on work within our Community Circle partners
位于纽约市的上西区, 威廉希尔体育是一所大学预科学校, 男女同校的私立学校,提供K-12年级的教育. 自1709年以来, Trinity has provided a world-class education to its students with rigorous academics 和 outst和ing programs in athletics, 艺术, 同行的领导, 还有全球旅行.