
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

"In our commitment to diversity, 我们必须告诉我们的学生如何成为同事和朋友,这样他们才能表现出尊重和爱. 我们必须引导他们分辨是非,然后做正确的事,使他们成为有说服力和勇敢的公民...”

Excerpted from the Trinity Mission Statement

Our Vision

Guided by a desire to be in solidarity with each other, 我们的目标是创建一所所有社区成员都能感受到真正归属感的学校.
Trinity’s Diversity, Equity, “包容”计划的指导思想是团结一致:我们的经历是不可分割地交织在一起的, that what affects one affects all, and that we must stand with each other instead of just for each other.  团结这一理念的根本是需要承认和肯定所有人的尊严.  我们认为,团结可以适用于像我们这样一个多样化的社区的所有经历.
Why is Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Important?

Trinity School believes that creating and supporting a diverse, equitable, and inclusive community is a moral imperative. Diversity, equity, 包容是一种祝福,通过提高我们教育项目的质量使我们所有人受益, 因为我们知道,多种视角和经验比统一或单一的方法产生更好的结果. Furthermore, 因为我们的学生毕业并准备为威廉希尔体育以外的世界做出贡献, 他们理解不同文化和观点的能力变得越来越重要.
What Does Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Mean at Trinity?

By diversity we mean the range of experiences for people of all races, genders, ethnicities, religions, learning abilities, physical abilities, sexual orientations, political perspectives, family compositions, socioeconomic statuses, backgrounds, and other characteristics, abilities and gifts that contribute to one’s self-understanding in the world.
公平是指确保社区的每个成员都能得到他们发展所需要的东西. Equality is about fairness, 但公平更微妙,它解释了这样一个事实,即每个学生可能需要与社区略有不同的东西. 学校环境中公平的目标是创造一个所有学生都能得到庆祝并有机会茁壮成长的空间.
Inclusion is about dignity. 我们的目标是创造一个环境,在这个环境中,每个学生都感到被包括在威廉希尔体育,没有人因为他们的身份而感到被排斥. If everyone feels included, 那么每个人都有一个合理的机会来最大限度地发挥三位一体教育的天赋. Inclusion also means every student feels like Trinity is their school, not just one they are allowed to attend.

Our Approach

Driven by Trinity's commitment to academic rigor, our community works to create a diverse, equitable, 以及包容的威廉希尔体育,让每个社区成员都有真正的归属感. Trinity’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion program affirms the identities of all students, believes in on-going professional development for our faculty and staff, offers an expanding and inclusive curriculum, and aims to meet the needs of our families.
In practice, 我们的DEI工作旨在通过为围绕身份和系统问题的关键参与提供机会,增强和支持所有社区成员的课堂体验. Trinity works to create an inclusive environment, inside and outside of the classroom, 以学生的声音为中心,欢迎多种观点和经验. Our administrators, faculty, 工作人员的目标是支持我们的学生在所有部门以发展适当的方式探索身份问题. At Trinity, 我们相信DEI是一个严谨的学术项目的一部分,它将使我们的学生以有意义的方式与世界互动.

Our Recent History

Over the past 50 years, 公平和包容一直是领先私立学校的理想目标. 正如我们与预科预科项目和其他教育机会项目的独特关系所证明的那样, Trinity has been at the forefront of that work. Over the past five years, 我们幼儿园的新生中有一半是有色人种(即亚洲人), Black, Latino/a/e/x, and multi-racial/ethnic), nearly 40% of new ninth graders were students of color, and the majority of our students are students of color. In addition, 威廉希尔体育已经分配了充足的资源来支持我们的公平和包容努力, including our commitment to provide comprehensive, need-based financial aid to one-quarter of our Upper School students. 自成立以来,我们一直与圣公会保持着良好的关系, Trinity is known for its embrace of all faiths and traditions; our chapel program is a prime example of our community’s commitment to celebrating religious and cultural diversity. Trinity is not known for resting on past accomplishments. Our community is driven by an inexorable desire to grow and learn. This ethos compels us to do better.

Office of Equity and Inclusion

The Office of Equity and Inclusion consists of a Director, 一名高级行政人员,直接向校长汇报工作,并与各区校长和副校长一起工作, and the Assistant to the Office.
The Equity and Inclusion Coordinators are faculty and staff members, who in addition to their full-time roles, support the efforts of the Office of Equity and Inclusion. Equity and Inclusion Coordinators serve as resources to students, faculty, staff, and families on matters relating to the DEI work of the school community.

Office of Equity & Inclusion Staff

David Thompson, Director of Equity and Inclusion
Sabeen Nawaz, Assistant to the Office of Equity and Inclusion

Equity and Inclusion Coordinators

Lower School

Blair Bizzell-Hatcher
Maya Grant
Chastidy Roman
Samia Soodi

Middle School

Zack Kronstat
Amanda Siegel
Yvonne Yu

Upper School
Sadie Dutcher
Stephanie Gonzalez
Ty Gwara

Anti-Racism Task Force

受黑人学生和其他与学生团结一致的社区成员呼吁采取行动的启发和回应, 威廉希尔体育在2020-21学年深入从事反种族主义工作. Composed of students, faculty, staff, parents, administrators, and alumni, 反种族主义特别工作组(ARTF)提出了一套全面的建议,以帮助指导威廉希尔体育的DEI工作. To learn more about the work of the ARTF please go here.

Community Involvement

List of 4 items.

  • Student Engagement

    • In the Classroom
      • Classroom Collaboration (Lower School)
      • Community Forum (Middle School)
      • Sophomore Seminar - DEI Module (Upper School)
      • Self, School, and Society (Upper School)
    • Outside of the Classroom
      • Affinity groups serving various identities (Middle School & Upper School)
      • Affinity Group Leaders Council (US)
      • Student Diversity Leadership Council (Middle School & Upper School)
  • Family Engagement

    • Parents’ Association Diversity Committee
    • Family Affinity Groups
  • Faculty & Staff Engagement

    威廉希尔体育为所有教职员工提供持续的专业发展和广泛的亲和团体计划.  我们的目标是通过以下方式支持我们的教职员工更深入地参与公平和包容问题和主题:
    • Affinity Groups
      • Trinity Professionals of Color
      • Trinity White Anti-Racist Professionals
      • Trinity LGBTQ Faculty and Staff Group
    • On-going Divisional Professional Development Sessions
    • New Faculty and Staff Professional Development
      • 为所有新入职的教职员工开设三个课程,重点关注身份发展, race and racism, and implicit bias.
  • Board of Trustees Engagement

    Led by Trustee Nicole George-Middleton, the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee of the Board works to support the DEI efforts of the school. Composed of Trustees and school administrators, 委员会每年举行几次会议,讨论学校正在进行的DEI工作.
Located on the Upper West Side of New York City, Trinity School is a college preparatory, coeducational independent school for grades K-12. Since 1709, 威廉希尔体育以严谨的学术和优秀的体育项目为学生提供了世界一流的教育, the arts, peer leadership, and global travel.